Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Exam [Passed]


I have passed the Google cloud Associate Cloud engineer exam yesterday and got an email from Google with the certification today.

When I have started with Google Cloud, I was not looking to get certified. Just wanted to explore Google's cloud offering. After some time, without any direction I was just reading whatever I could find on the subject without any direction.

Then decided to go for the ACE certification.

Preparation Sources:


  • All the 5 required coursera courses (GCP fundamentals, Essential & Elastic cloud infrastructure), K8S engine course and Security and Networking specialization courses.

A Cloud guru

  • Introduction courses and GCP ACE certification course and practise exam. Mattias's explanation of data flow way of thinking was very helpful. This way of thinking has helped me even when I was taking courses in other platforms.

Linux Academy

  • Introduction courses and GCP ACE certification course. This certification course I took just few days before my exam and it was a refreshment. The practice exam also helpful. I took this practice 4 times and confident about the preparation when I get consistently above 90%.


  • Several courses on GCP. Nothing specific to exam objective but for the overall understanding of Google cloud. Most of the courses I have taken are from Janani Ravi and her explanation was good.


Official Google Cloud ACE study guide by Dan Sullivan

  • I was having only two days before exam and gone through almost all the chapters and the review questions & answers at the end of each chapter. I found this study guide was very helpful as a last day preparation.

Google practice exam

  • I took this Google's practice exam twice initially when I have started preparation. It was helpful and got a understanding of exam question pattern / structure.

Exam Topic:

  1. Compute Engine

  2. App Engine

  3. Kubernetes Engine

  4. Cloud Storage ( lifecycle management, storage classes )

  5. gsutil

  6. gcloud (configurations. etc))

  7. IAM ( roles, etc)

  8. Monitoring & Logging

  9. VPC (firewalls, router,)

  10. 10. Audit / Activity logs



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